Privacy Policy

Mere Lane Riding School is committed to protecting the privacy of the users of our website. The personally identifiable data such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address or other information we collect from you is required by us to improve our level of service, to provide you with the information you have requested and develop the content of our web site 


General Information 

Like most companies, we gather information about all of our users collectively, such as what areas users visit most frequently and what services users access the most. We only use such data in a collective format - e.g. which pages are visited most often.
Please note that by submitting personally identifiable information you are consenting to such information being processed for the above listed purpose. Further, you agree that unless otherwise stated Mere Lane Riding School shall have the unrestricted right to use and store on its internal systems, inside the EU, any information provided by you. 
The collective information we gather helps us determine what is most beneficial for you, our users, and how we can strive to continually improve our service for your benefit. This industry-standard collective information may be shared with partners, but no data relating to an individual user will be shared - the aggregate logged information is not linked to any personally identifiable information. 


"Cookies" are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. Mere Lane Riding School may use cookies on our site, but you can disable them on your PC. 


We very much welcome your feedback, as an invaluable aid to us improving our services. Please submit any feedback to Mere Lane Riding School via the feedback section of our website. Any feedback you do submit will become the property of Mere Lane Riding School. We may use this feedback, such as success stories, for marketing purposes, but we will seek your written or email approval first should we want to use it. 

Our Overall Policy on Information Disclosure 

Mere Lane Riding School will not disclose information about your individual visits to our website or any of the personal information that you provide such as your email address, name, address or telephone number, to any outside parties except when you have given us permission to do so or we believe the law requires us to do so.

However, if you have provided information about a limited liability company, we may record and share this information. We will not share details of information about sole traders, partnerships etc, unless you give us express permission to do so. Whatever the style of company, we assert that we will not pass on your email addresses except if we believe the law requires us to do so.

If you remain concerned about our information disclosure policy, please contact us via the feedback section on our site, or at the address listed below. 

Privacy Policy Enquiries

If you have any questions about our privacy statement, the practices of the Mere Lane Riding School website, or your dealings with this website, you can contact us by email via the feedback section on our site.